Friday, May 16, 2008

Vardaman’s notes on Addie’s impending death:

Ma’s sure been in bed a long time, and she don’t look too good, either. She ain’t eatin’ and a body’s got to eat to stay alive on this here earth. I went to the pond and caught the biggest fish—almost taller than I am, then tuck it back home to show Ma. I knew she would want to eat some of my big fish but she won’t eat nothin’ or drink nothin’ neither. Dewey Dell will cook my fish and maybe we’ll all have some.

Dewey Dell's reflection on Addie's impending death

Dewey Dell’s notes on her Mama’s death

Ma is dying and in a way, I’m thankful she won’t be alive to see my shame if I can’t get rid of my problem. I haven’t had my friend since I don’t know when; that Lafe is the devil and he tempted me beyond all reason. His eyes just swept me away into another world. He kept after me, and I’m not sorry—the secret shade was more wonderful than I ever imagined. I wish we could have stayed in that place forever, joining our flesh and drinking each other in—but it had to end—we had to go home. Now he is gone and I keep waiting for Darl to tell Ma, or Pa, but he don’t. I don’t know why; I think he’s bidin’ his time, waitin’ to see what the Lord decides about Ma.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Addie is dying

Well, Addie is a-dyin' and Dewey Dell is a-fannin' her as she lays there, of no use to a body as she slips this mortal coil, God willin. Cash is purt near done with her coffin--shows her every board and waits for her approval before he cuts them to size. Sittin' and waiting does make a body tired--too tired to hold my head up, let alone shuffle in to see how she is a-doin. That gal's been nothin but a trouble to me since we was hitched. She's sure takin' a long time to die, and it's a good thing, as Darl and Jewel need to haul a load of lumber a piece. Don't want to have her die without the pleasure of her whole family around her as goes up the river to meet her maker. Guess we'll be headn to Jefferson for too long; I promised her I'd take her home when she goes. While we're in Jefferson, I kin get them teeth and meet the new Mrs. Bundren.

Anse, my words before Addie died.